On January 27, 2020 the Equal Rights Amendment became fully-ratified and went from having a name to having a number: 28.
Because the Department of Justice temporarily blocked the National Archivist from certifying the 28th Amendment, we need your assistance to amplify the issue of gender equality.
Around January 27th, equality advocates nationwide will come together to educate and inspire Americans to take action and ensure our 28th Amendment is added to the Constitution.
All are welcome to show up in their own unique way (social media? letters to the editor? co-author with friends?) and the pieces will be as varied as the Americans writing them. The talking points below provide a selection topics and data points related to gender equality in America. Please end your piece with a call to action for your reader. If you are writing for friends / neighbors here are a few samples:
- We elected equality leaders and now must hold them accountable. Please contact our U.S. Senators (provide contact information) and ask them to add gender equality to the Constitution.
- Add your voice to the calls for constitutional gender equality. Contact our U.S. Senators here: (add names and an email address / phone number).
Samples when writing for a legislator:
- Gender equality is important. Please support a resolution to recognize the 28th Amendment (Equal Rights) in the first 100 days of the 117th congressional session.
Use your own credentials to sign your letter, for example: Betty Rubble, President of the Bedrock PTA.
To increase your impact as a writer, please see our “Writing to Influence” page, which includes a sample letter. The ERA Coalition has also provided some writing prompts you may find helpful.
Additional assistance, including a link to get feedback from our editing team, can be found on our "Write a Letter to the Editor" page.
Don't forget to tag VoteEqualityUS us on social media posts (and let us know when you submit for publication) to be included in a drawing for prizes.
Ranking America on Gender Equality
- From the FAQ “International Standing”
- Political gender parity in the United States is ranked 11th from the bottom for all countries in the Americas and Europe. The U.S. ranked 72 out of 82 countries in total.
- The gender equality gap is expected to close (on average, across all countries) in 99.5 years, the gender equality gap in America is not expected to close for 208 years. Although nobody living today will see gender equality in their lifetime, we can work to ensure constitutional gender equality now.
- In 2018, the United States was ranked as the 10th most dangerous country in the world for women. We tied for third with Syria for countries where women most risked sexual violence, harassment and coercion into sex, and sixth regarding non-sexual violence such as domestic and mental abuse.
- America no longer ranks within the top third of countries when ranked on gender equality.
- Gender equality is included in 168 international constitutions but not in ours.
- From the FAQ “Pregnancy Discrimination“
- The United States is one of only two countries in the world that does not mandate paid leave and at the current rate of adoption it will take 150 years for everyone in the United States to have paid leave.
- Check our FAQs for many more data points to choose from on a variety of issues.